When a dear friend lost her husband, artist Nick Dong used his jewelers’ skills to combine the couple’s wedding rings into a new piece that she could keep as an eternal representation of their relationship.

This catalyzed his Mendsmith Project, where participants bring two meaningful pieces of jewelry or personal items to be “mended” into a new commemoration—for a lost loved one, a departed spouse, or past relationship.

As part of Nick Dong: 11 to 88, YBCA invites you to participate in the Mendsmith Project by sharing your story below. Beginning July 29 through August 18, Nick Dong will work onsite at YBCA to transform selected participants’ commemorative objects in conjunction with students and faculty from California College of the Arts’ Jewelry and Metal Arts, Ceramics, Sculpture, Textiles, and Individual Programs. The final pieces will be presented to participants during a ceremony to be scheduled in late August.