Wed February 5th Open 11 AM–5 PM
Artist-led Giving Circle
Victoria Rae Boynton Moore is a writer, facilitator, producer and co-founder of TINYisPOWERFUL — an interracial, intergenerational collective effort linking artists, cultural workers, youth and tiny business partners to support and promote TINY BUSINESS in the South as a vital part of neighborhood and commerce.
Victoria is the leader of TINYisPOWERFUL and received a three year Partners For Change award from Alternate ROOTS and the Surdna Foundation, continuing a long history of art in/with community to affect structural change. It was supported in 2018-2020 as a project -conNECKtedTOO by the Charleston Rhizome Collective- by an ArtPlace America Award.
As a multi-racial black woman native to Charleston, SC with black and indigenous roots also in Georgia and Alabama, Victoria is committed to social change through the arts. She studied dance at Charleston County School of the Arts and earned a BA in journalism from the University of South Carolina.