Darryl Ratcliff

2020 YBCA 100 Honoree

Darryl Ratcliff is an award-winning artist and poet with a writing and curatorial practice based in Dallas, TX. His work engages communities and mobilizes social issues. Ratcliff is the co-founder of Gossypion Investments with Maya Crawford, a startup company that seeks to evolve the role of culture in society. Gossy focuses on real estate development, cultural investments, branding and PR, cultural consulting, and artist management. Ratcliff is also a contributing arts writer for The Dallas Morning News where he covers the North Texas visual art scene. In 2019, Ratcliff along with Krissy Bodge, created Dallas The Remix, a conceptual art piece that reimagined the 80s TV show Dallas as a tool for political education and equity. In 2012, Ratcliff, alongside artist Fred Villanueva, founded Ash Studios, a Black and Latinx artist-run space and social sculpture in South Dallas.

More on YBCA for Darryl Ratcliff

Photo of YBCA 100 Honoree Darryl Ratcliff

“Sometimes I say I do the work of justice because I’m actually really interested in being free. And every time I try to be free, I run into these structures that keep getting the way of me being as free as I want to be.”

YBCA 10 Project

YBCA 10 members Darryl Ratcliff and Nikiko Masumoto have partnered together to create a Plant Library, a gathering of plants that can be “checked out” by anyone. 

Each plant was selected with intention, embracing many BIPOC epistemologies of plants including: plants as medicine, as cultural connections, as companions, as indigenous and native to a place, as adaptive to environments across time, as gateways of carbon capture, as nourishment, and as vessels of spirituality and beauty. 

Visitors can learn about caring for their chosen plant and contribute their experiences with it to the Plant Library so each plant’s story is carried on to the next person.

Nikiko Masumoto and Darryl Ratcliff’s plant library prototype. November 20, 2021. Photographs by Mabel Jiménez.

Questions posed by Nikiko Masumoto and Darryl Ratcliff’s plant library prototype. November 20, 2021. Photographs by Mabel Jiménez.

Nikiko Masumoto and Darryl Ratcliff developing their plant library prototype. November 20, 2021. Photographs by Mabel Jiménez.

Nikiko Masumoto and Darryl Ratcliff developing their plant library prototype. November 20, 2021. Photographs by Mabel Jiménez.

Nikiko Masumoto and Darryl Ratcliff developing their plant library prototype. November 20, 2021. Photographs by Mabel Jiménez.