
Digital Conversations

Transformation, Music, and Healing with Keith LaMar and Samora Pinderhughes

May 31, 2022, 3 PM PST

Join us virtually on Tuesday, May 31st at 3 pm PST for a conversation about transformation, music, and healing between Samora Pinderhughes, creator and director of The Healing Project, and Keith LaMar, collaborator and contributor to the exhibition at YBCA and digital archive.

Keith LaMar is a death row prisoner who was wrongfully convicted in the state of Ohio. On November 16, 2023, the State intends to execute him, even though he has maintained his innocence for nearly three decades, all while being held in indefinite solitary confinement. Keith refuses to accept the State’s false narrative about him, actively contributing beauty to the world as a poet, writer, teacher, and activist even as he fights for his freedom. His entire ordeal is detailed in his beautifully-written book, Condemned.

What happened to Keith LaMar?

In the aftermath of the 1993 Lucasville Prison Uprising, the State of Ohio was under public pressure to clean up a multi-million dollar mess, one that included the death of a prison guard and multiple prisoners. After State investigators trampled the crime scene and contaminated any and all potential evidence, they paid jailhouse informants to create a false narrative that implicated Keith, even though they admit he wasn’t affiliated with any of the groups involved in the riot. To bolster their claim, the State withheld evidence that would have proven his innocence (including the confession of an actual perpetrator who admitted to murdering one of Keith’s alleged victims). His trial was staged in a remote Ohio community known to be highly racist. Any Black prospective jurors were promptly dismissed by the Prosecution, leaving Keith’s fate in the hands of an all-White jury, who swiftly sentenced him to death.

What can you do?

Learn more about Keith and ways you can take action to help him fight for his life at