Studio Pathways (Mariah Rankine-Landers and Jessa Brie Moreno)

2020 YBCA 100 Honoree

Mariah Rankine-Landers, M.Ed., and Jessa Brie Moreno, MFA, are Co-Founders of Studio Pathways and have been professional facilitators and liberatory classroom educators for over twenty years, which serves as their template for visionary education in and through the arts. In 2017, they co-created the free resource Rise Up: An American Curriculum. Studio Pathways has designed curricular and pedagogical frameworks for The Othering and Belonging Institute out of UC Berkeley, The Center for Cultural Power, and the Racial Healing work for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. As former Co-Directors of the School Transformation Through the Arts and Alameda County Office of Education’s Integrated Learning Specialist Program, research outcomes of their work found conclusively that “Creativity leads to Empathy.” Studio Pathways has partnered with artists and education leaders, universities, museums, arts organizations, movement organizations, K-12 schools, districts, and counties across the country for transformative educational change.