
Emily Silverman, MD

2020 YBCA 100 Honoree

Emily Silverman, MD is an internist at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Assistant Professor of Medicine at UCSF, and creator/host of The Nocturnists, a live medical storytelling show and podcast where healthcare workers share stories of joy, sorrow, and self-discovery. This year, The Nocturnists produced two audio documentary storytelling series: Stories from a Pandemic, and Black Voices in Healthcare, which featured the voices of hundreds of healthcare workers across America grappling with the tumult of 2020. Emily has given talks and workshops on storytelling and medicine at UCSF, Stanford, Columbia, and The Esalen Institute, and has published writing in The New York Times, The Virginia Quarterly Review, McSweeneys and JAMA. Currently she is working on her first book with the support of a fellowship from MacDowell. She lives in San Francisco with her husband, some musical instruments, and many plants.

More on YBCA for Emily Silverman, MD



Presented by The Nocturnists

January 16, 2020, 7:00 PM