Captain Moira McGuire

2019 YBCA 100 Honoree

Captain Moira G. McGuire is a nurse office with the US Public Health Service and currently serves as Division Chief of Integrative Health & Wellness at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. She is the daughter of an opera singer/voice teacher father and pianist/painter/playwright mother who studied Irish Dance, ballet, piano, violin, flute and harp. She is the founder of the annual Healing Arts Exhibit at Walter Reed, now in its 16th year, and a founding member of the PHS Choral Ensemble and the National Initiative for Arts & Health in the Military. The focus of her professional work lies in the belief that creativity and expression are not only essential elements in the treatment and healing of illness and injury, but in the prevention of them as well, and most recently has been given approval to create an Arts in Health program at Walter Reed, a first of its kind at a military treatment facility.