Public Programs

Interactive Studio Hours with the YBCA 10 Artists

December 11, 2021, 12–4 PM

Join the YBCA 10 for interactive workshops and invitations into their creative process. 

Hasain Rasheed will be at YBCA throughout the day, interviewing first and second generation immigrant community members. He will also be taking tintype portraits for people to take home at a later date. These conversations will inform his prototype exploring immigrant experiences. We invite you to come see the process.

12:30–1:00 PM, Mindfulness in Dance

My-Linh Le will bring visitors together for a “mindfulness in dance” workshop that wakes up our senses (our connection to our environment/nature), creativity (our connection to ourselves), and curiosity (our connection to the mystery and wonder of life) to explore personal movement as a grounding practice.

1:00–2:00 PM, Soul Trees Placement Activity with Deanna Van Buren

Deanna Van Buren will host an interactive workshop in the Sculpture Courtyard. Members of the public will be asked to use their bodies as tools for the placemaking of the artist’s future prototype. Participate and learn more about the work.

2:00–3:00 PM, Flash Fiction Workshop with Dorothy Santos

Dorothy Santos will lead a Flash Fiction writing workshop through an exploration of tarot archetypes. How might you tell your story; past, present, or future?