Writer for the Histories of Labor / Animated Resistance film, Dr. Shana Redmond is a native of Racine, Wisconsin, and the daughter of working-class parents whose experiences of service work and incarceration profoundly impacted her political and racial identity. It is from these experiences and pieces of knowledge that she approaches her scholarship and activist work, which are both concerned with laying bare and challenging the material conditions that encode and enforce difference and inequality. Redmond pulls from multiple subjects, strategies, and approaches in her work and situates her scholarship in and between fields including Black Studies, Performance Studies, History, Critical Ethnic Studies, Sound Studies, English and Literature, Cultural Studies, and (Ethno)Musicology. Redmond has served as a guest expert for the Center Theatre Group of Los Angeles, contributed to numerous interviews for web & radio programming, and written for online publications, including NPR, the Huffington Post, The Feminist Wire, and USApp for the London School of Economics.
Tue September 17th Closed