CultureStrike empowers artists to dream big, disrupt the status quo, and envision a truly just world rooted in shared humanity. As risk takers with the creative audacity to think beyond today’s boxes, artists play a powerful role in inciting conversations, inventing new ways of thinking, and redefining the limits of what is possible. CultureStrike believes that cultural work is key to creating systemic change. The organization focuses on three key areas: visionary strategy, new narratives, and cultivating artists. Since its founding in 2011, it has connected a national network of more than two hundred socially engaged artists, provided space and funding for professional and creative development, developed shared strategies with movement groups, and spearheaded dozens of events and campaigns that have resonated in local venues, social media, and the halls of power. It continues to develop new projects that inspire artists and audiences with visions of social justice.
Sun February 16th Open 11 AM–5 PM