Alleluia Panis is choreographer and director and the driving force behind San Francisco’s Kulintang Arts, Inc (popularly known as KULARTS). She is a respected elder artist in the US and the Philippines and is at home in both Pilipino tribal arts and American contemporary forms. Her immersive multidisciplinary work explores what it means to be a diasporic Pilipinx creator and her ongoing development of contemporary dance and visual language is her creative tactic for collective cultural survival and spiritual reclamation. She is a founding member and was the Arts & Culture co-chair of the SF Filipino Cultural Heritage District. She is the recipient of SF Arts Commission Artist Legacy Award, Gerbode Foundation Special Award in the Arts, DanceUSA Artist Fellow, and Rainin Foundation, and 2020 Hewlett 50 Arts Commissions.
Thu March 13th Open 11 AM–5 PM