champoy (pronouns: they/them/he/him/siya) is a queer interdisciplinary artist, filmmaker, and educator weaving historical and personal narratives through film, installation, and performance. Born and raised in the highlands of Bukidnon, a landlocked province in the island of Mindanao, Philippines, they hold an undergraduate degree in Fine Arts – Major In Advertising Arts from the University Of San Carlos on the island of Cebu, and an MFA in Art Practice from UC Berkeley.

They have been the recipient of the Roselyn Schneider Eisner Prize For Excellence In Creative Practice, the Murphy and Cadogan Contemporary Art Award, a Nancy Sayavong Materials Grant, and the East Bay Fund for Individuals in the Arts, and have been a graduate fellow at The Headlands Center For The Arts.

A parent and co-creator at The School for the Ecocene, champoy also serves as an art educator for youth in the Bay Area—uplifting pedagogy that connects the arts, storytelling, and ancestral skills with environmental awareness rooted in indigenous knowledge systems embodied in forms of expression and collaborations with community as a conduit of what came before.